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We understand that people are motivated by different things at different times. To reflect that we offer a wide range of staff benefits.


  • No zero hours contracts
  • Over 25s NLW rate paid for all roles and ages as a minimum
  • Flexible working arrangements                                 
  • Pension, sick pay, and shift allowance
  • Full and part-time work available
  • 29 (minimum) days holiday leave
  • Loyalty Awards (extra holidays and payments)
  • Retirement payment
  • Union Partnership with USDAW
  • Learning and development opportunities
  • Occupational Health Nurse onsite
  • Modern Apprenticeships

Nice to meet you

Find out more about what it is like to work at Kettle Produce Ltd from our team members

I love the fast pace of production and the fact that every day there is a new challenge

Development Production Manager

I love to problem solve. Once I get to a solution I feel like I have achieved something in my working day.

Finance Modern Apprentice

I’m passionate about the job that I do and strive to instill the same values within the team.

Distribution Manager

Kettle Produce is a great place to work and has already provided me with so many opportunities, I would definitely recommend it as a place to work.

Human Resources Officer

I like working at Kettle Produce there is a good atmosphere within my team, my team mates are very friendly and easy to get along with.

Hygiene Operative

Team work is key in my role and with working closely with the people within my team we have become close and this has grown into friendship out with work also which makes the job a lot easier.

Intake Operative

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